"...deep down inside of us sleeps a longing to live nature as intensely as Andrea Blanar paints it."

Collette Bourgoin, Director/Curator, Restigouche Gallery, Campbellton.


"Blanar observes all facets of a scene and paints in the plants and creatures, the ebb and flow of tides and the traces of human activity that she senses there. Influences as diverse as European religious iconography, Maritime folk art traditions, ancient artifacts and traditional landscape painting inform the work and show evidence of the experiences of the traveler / artist who created them."

Dawn White Beatty, Burlington Arts Centre


"Returning again and again to visit the land in its seasonal variations, (Andrea Blanar) has probed the mystical and natural worlds and forged a spiritual alliance that parallels the ceaseless ebb and flow of the tidal cycle."

Marie Maltais,
UNB Arts Centre

Paintings by Andrea Blanar

These images are thumbnail details of each painting. To view full-size images, click the thumbnails below. You may also use your keyboard arrows (← and →) to scroll from image to image.

Baie Verte A Baie Verte A
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 24"
Baie Verte IslandBaie Verte B
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 24"
Baie Verte IslandBaie Verte C
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 24"
Baie Verte IslandBaie Verte D
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 24"
Baie Verte IslandBaie Verte - The Island
Acrylic on canvas
18" x 45"
Baie Verte MarshBaie Verte Marsh
Acrylic on wood church window
28" x 28"
The Bird GameThe Bird Game
Mixed media
27" x 27" x 2"
Birds at Low TideBirds at Low Tide
Acrylic on canvas
26" x 50"
Cap Brulé 2012Cap Brulé 2012
Wood, canvas & clay
19" x 19" x 4"
Cap BruleCap Brulé
Acrylic on wood
26" x 26"
Cape Breton MarshCape Breton Marsh
Cape Breton SummitCape Breton Summit
Cape Breton VistasCape Breton Vistas
Cape SpearIcon Cape Spear
Mixed media
17" x 12" x 2"
Cole IslandCole Island
Mixed media on wood church window
28" x 37"
Dreamscape - Gaspé MedleyDreamscape - Gaspé Medley
Mixed media on board, framed
30" x 26"
Eel RiverEel River, Restigouche
Ephraim's IslandEphraim's Island
Fundy MuseFundy Muse
Mixed media
22" x 26"
Fundy Gothic TapestryFundy Gothic Tapestry
Mixed media scroll on canvas
51" x 32"
Fundy TapestryFundy Tapestry
Fundy TryptichFundy Tryptich
Arcylic on canvas
48" x 24"
Golden IlluminationGolden Illumination
Gothic Window - MedallionsGothic Window - Medallions
Mixed Media scroll on canvas
43" x 30"
Jolicure MarshJolicoeur Marsh
Acrylic on wood church window
28" x 28"
Little ShemogueLittle Shemogue
Acrylic on wood church window
Marsh MuseMarsh Muse
Mixed media on board
27" x 30"
Marsh MusesMarsh Muses
On canvas
31" x 40"
Mary's PointOver Fundy, Mary's Point
Acrylic on canvas
30" x 40"
Retreating TideRetreating Tide
Acrylic on canvas
26" x 50"
Return to ComplineReturn to Compline
Return to Siddal Road MarshReturn to Siddal Road Marsh
Mixed media on canvas
36" x 48" x 3"
Scroll, grasses, floating worldScroll, grasses, floating world
Mixed media
37" x 38"
Shells - Baie VerteShells - Baie Verte
On wood
26" x 26"
Shemogue AutumnShemogue Autumn
Acrylic on wood church window
Siddal Road MarshSiddal Road Marsh
Mixed media
36" x 48"
Spring ThawSpring Thaw
Te Deum RevisitedTe Deum Revisited
The sea enters at AlmaThe sea enters at Alma
On canvas
24" x 24"
Through SpruceThrough Spruce
Mixed media on board, framed
3 boards (24" x 25" each)
Winter PilgramageWinter Pilgramage
Acrylic on canvas
48" x 36"
Within the AlcoveWithin the Alcove
Acrylic on wood