Andréa Blanar: Archives

Promotional Material / Matériel Promotionnel

Promo09Galerie d'Arts Contemporains
Automne 2007
Promo10Trinity Galleries
Été 2007
Promo11Stewart Hall
Été 2005
Promo12Gallery on the Bay
Printemps 2005
Promo16Exposition Temple
2003 -2004
Promo14Gallery on the Bay
Printemps 2002
Promo01Galerie d'Arts Contemporains
Automne 2001
Promo17dBurlington Art Centre
Hiver 2000
Promo02Gallery on the Bay
Printemps 2000
1997 - 1998
Promo15Galerie Barbara Silverberg
Automne 1995
Promo06Waddington & Gorce
Automne 1994
Promo04Galerie Barbara Silverberg
Hiver 1993
Promo13Art Jonction

Archives de Presse

Une série d'articles de presse couvrant la carrière d'Andréa. Cliquez sur les icones pour visionner les articles individuels. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser votre clavier (← et →) pour changer d'article.

Link to article PDFRevue Parcours • 2007
"Retenons qu'Andréa Blanar cherche constamment a exprimer son besoin de ne faire qu'un avec les forces de la nature et elle le transmet dans ses œuvres par un langage porteur de sens et d'espérance. A voir et revoir."
Link to article PDFMontreal Gazette • 11.2006
"Andrea Blanar... one of five prominent Greater Montrealers of Hungarian background honoured for outstanding contributions to the community...."
Link to article PDFHamilton Spectator • 05.2005
"She creates artwork that slips away from the real, into a world of magical signs and symbols."
Link to article PDFRevue Parcours • 2003
"Le plus extraordinaire dans tout cela, c'est que, dans la démarche artistique d'Andréa Blanar, rien n'est gratuit, rien n'est issu d'une symbolique appoximative, rien n'est même désincarné."
Link to article PDFRevue Parcours • 2003
"Most extraordinary of all is that there are absolutely no givens in Andrea Blanar's work. Nothing is the issue of some vague symbolism, nothing is disembodied."
Link to article PDFHamilton Spectator • 04.2002
"The scene extends onto the frame formed by the pointed arch of a church window, blurring the boundaries between the landscape and the frame."
Link to article PDFWest Island Chronicle • 09.2001
"For some people, old church windows and discarded pieces of driftwood are merely objects for the trash. But for Andrea Blanar, they're pieces of art waiting to happen."
Link to article PDFNew Brunswick Reader • 08.2000
"Could it be that the vision of the original Yorkshire Methodists... is echoed in the creative artistry of one who, coming from a different place, attempts to re-create her own vision of divine majesty and beauty?"Page 2
Link to article PDFHamilton Spectator • 04.2000
"Andrea Blanar surrounds some of her works with antique window frames. What we see through them is landscapes of the mind and memory."Page 2
Link to article PDFHamilton Spectator • 01.2000
"The iconic power of these paintings is intensified by the presentation. Some have been painted on screens...others are on hinged panels like ecclesiastical altarpieces."
Link to article PDFBurlington Post • 01.2000
"Blanar's landscapes show the influence of the Maritimes but there is also a distinctly European religious flavour to her work."
Link to article PDFHamilton Spectator • unknown
"The altar pieces and Gothic windows are like an entrance to a place where the truth is being revealed, entering a space that elevates you."
Link to article PDFSackville Tribune-Post • 09.1999
"Blanar's first response to the salt marshes of New Brunswick was both passionate and immediate."
Link to article PDFNew Brunswick Reader • 09.1999
"She had never seen saltwater marshes before and it was that aspect of the New Brunswick landscape that haunted her. When she returned to Montreal, her work began to change."
Link to article PDFSaint John Times Globe • 05.1999
"The gallery walls sing with colour as the New Brunswick landscape is splashed across old church windows and mirror frames, which are bordered with birds and decorative swirls.."
Link to article PDFSackville Tribune-Post • 09.1998
"'The people around me have a certain feeling about the church and I do too. The building inspires that and it inspires me.'"
Link to article PDFThe Suburban • 09.1998
"There are no boundaries or restrictions in the designs that she has established. The result is an endless depth and distance to her stretches of marsh, sea, sky, and mud flats."
Link to article PDFHamilton Spectator • 05.1998
"'I have always felt this need- the need to make a mark, to alter the surface, to leave traces of myself.'"
Link to article PDFRevue Parcours • 1996 - 1997
"L'art est quelque chose de très personnel... tout ce qui se rapporte à la conceptualisation en arts visuels se fait en travaillant."
Link to article PDFMontreal Gazette • 05.1996
"The purpose of the trip is a church search, specifically the investigation of an old Wesleyan clapboard one for the painter."
Link to article PDFPluralité • 1994 - 1995
"'Cette série s'inspire de l'art médiéval, en particulier les éléments d'autel et les enluminures de manuscrits.'"
Link to article PDFLe Devoir • 10.1994
"Œuvres qui s'ouvrent et se déplient comme une boîte, cernées d'oiseaux, surmontées de volutes qui les couronnent, elles parlent de la nature."
Link to article PDFL'Acadie Nouvelle • 04.1994
"Andréa Blanar transpose également dans ses œuvres un élément de spiritualité... véritable jonction des cultures asiatique et amérindienne."
Link to article PDFL'Aviron • 04.1994
"'Cette série est un hommage à l'Esprit de la Mer et à un lieu qui a touché mon âme.'"
Link to article PDFCampbellton Tribune • 04.1994
"Andrea Blanar presents Homage to the Sea, an exhibition presenting her perception of the spirituality and sensuality of Maritime landscapes."
Link to article PDFSackville Tribune Post • 08.1993
"The work is confident, the colours are rich and deep."

Link to article PDFVie des Arts • 1979
"Aujourd'hui le deuxième étage abrite Graphia et ressemble à plusieurs greniers du Boulevard Saint Laurent revivifiés par leurs artistes-locataires."
Link to article PDFMontreal Star • 04.1979
"In a delightful piece like 'Nesting in a Bonsai' she combines liquid and dashing brush strokes to produce a poetic semblance of branches."